Manuals and Guides
Here you’ll find vehicle brochures, owner’s manuals and a host of informative guides to help you make the most of owning a Mitsubishi.

Where can I get an owner’s manual?
Need to know how to adjust the steering wheel or where the headlamp levelling switch is? Good news. Owner’s manuals are free to download and provide everything you need to know about your car’s operation.
Model brochures
Download a PDF brochure for any recent Mitsubishi model and discover why so many people choose Mitsubishi, whether they’re looking for a compact runabout, a hard-working 4×4 or pickup truck, or a versatile family SUV.

How do I replace a lost service book?
You can purchase a new service book through any of our Service Centres. Simply contact your local dealer and they will be able to get you a new one.
Helpful guides for Mitsubishi owners

Towing Guide
From loading a trailer to hitching up and reversing, our towing guide gives you all the information you need.

Tyres Guide

Road safety guide

How to get the most from your plug-in hybrid